all about what we are doing to make Net-at-hand a great web publishing system.
New feature—more content for zones
Beginning December 17, users who have “show advanced settings” enabled in their user profile will see new zone options available for designs that have a sidebar. Note that these new options are not available for all designs. Designs, such as the “Default” group, that do not have a sidebar, will not be able to use these new features.
Some zones will allow you to add a title to be displayed above the zone. For example, if you have a list of links in the “Sidebar 1” zone, you can easily add a heading to that zone that says “Links.”
Recent blog posts
“Recent blog posts” will give you a list titles for recent blog posts which are links to those posts. This will be useful if, for example, you have a blog section called “Recent News.” You can setup a zone to display “Recent news” that shows the titles from posts added to that blog section.
Upcoming events
“Upcoming events” will list the titles of events in a specified calendar, with links to those events. You can select the number (1-10) of events that you want to list in the zone.
Menu for folder
Zones currently allow you to show the “Main menu,” which automatically creates a menu for top-level content items, as well as a “Custom menu” which allows you to build a menu with custom names and addresses.
A new menu will be added to the list which will work the same way as “Main menu” except that it will list the items that exist in the folder you designate. This can be useful for creating navigation that appears when the user navigates to a folder.